
Table 3: The model variables \([-Inf, +Inf]\)
Name Alias Description
vTechInv(tech, region, year) \({\bf vTechInv}_{h,r,y}\) Overnight investment costs
vTechEac(tech, region, year) \({\bf vTechEac}_{h,r,y}\) Annualized investment costs
vTechOMCost(tech, region, year) \({\bf vTechOMCost}_{h,r,y}\) Sum of all operational costs is equal vTechFixom + vTechVarom (AVarom + CVarom + ActVarom)
vSupCost(sup, region, year) \({\bf vSupCost}_{u,r,y}\) Supply costs
vEmsFuelTot(comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vEmsFuelTot}_{c,r,y,l}\) Total emissions from fuels combustion
vBalance(comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vBalance}_{c,r,y,l}\) Net commodity balance
vTotalCost(region, year) \({\bf vTotalCost}_{r,y}\) Regional annual total costs
vObjective \({\bf vObjective}\) Objective costs
vTaxCost(comm, region, year) \({\bf vTaxCost}_{c,r,y}\) Total tax levies (tax costs)
vSubsCost(comm, region, year) \({\bf vSubsCost}_{c,r,y}\) Total subsidies (for substraction from costs)
vAggOut(comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vAggOut}_{c,r,y,l}\) Aggregated commodity output
vStorageOMCost(stg, region, year) \({\bf vStorageOMCost}_{s,r,y}\) Storage O 
vTradeCost(region, year) \({\bf vTradeCost}_{r,y}\) Total trade costs
vTradeRowCost(region, year) \({\bf vTradeRowCost}_{r,y}\) Trade with ROW costs
vTradeIrCost(region, year) \({\bf vTradeIrCost}_{r,y}\) Interregional trade costs
Table 4: The model positive variables \([0, +Inf]\)
Name Alias Description
vTechNewCap(tech, region, year) \({\bf vTechNewCap}_{h,r,y}\) New capacity
vTechRetiredStock(tech, region, year) \({\bf vTechRetiredStock}_{h,r,y}\) Early retired stock
vTechRetiredNewCap(tech, region, year, year) \({\bf vTechRetiredNewCap}_{h,r,y,y}\) Early retired new capacity
vTechCap(tech, region, year) \({\bf vTechCap}_{h,r,y}\) Total capacity of the technology
vTechAct(tech, region, year, slice) \({\bf vTechAct}_{h,r,y,l}\) Activity level of technology
vTechInp(tech, comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vTechInp}_{h,c,r,y,l}\) Input level
vTechOut(tech, comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vTechOut}_{h,c,r,y,l}\) Output level
vTechAInp(tech, comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vTechAInp}_{h,c,r,y,l}\) Auxiliary commodity input
vTechAOut(tech, comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vTechAOut}_{h,c,r,y,l}\) Auxiliary commodity output
vSupOut(sup, comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vSupOut}_{u,c,r,y,l}\) Output of supply
vSupReserve(sup, comm, region) \({\bf vSupReserve}_{u,c,r}\) Total supply reserve
vDemInp(comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vDemInp}_{c,r,y,l}\) Input to demand
vOutTot(comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vOutTot}_{c,r,y,l}\) Total commodity output (consumption is not substracted)
vInpTot(comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vInpTot}_{c,r,y,l}\) Total commodity input
vInp2Lo(comm, region, year, slice, slice) \({\bf vInp2Lo}_{c,r,y,l,l}\) Desagregation of slices for input parent to (grand)child
vOut2Lo(comm, region, year, slice, slice) \({\bf vOut2Lo}_{c,r,y,l,l}\) Desagregation of slices for output parent to (grand)child
vSupOutTot(comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vSupOutTot}_{c,r,y,l}\) Total commodity supply
vTechInpTot(comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vTechInpTot}_{c,r,y,l}\) Total commodity input to technologies
vTechOutTot(comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vTechOutTot}_{c,r,y,l}\) Total commodity output from technologies
vStorageInpTot(comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vStorageInpTot}_{c,r,y,l}\) Total commodity input to storage
vStorageOutTot(comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vStorageOutTot}_{c,r,y,l}\) Total commodity output from storage
vStorageAInp(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vStorageAInp}_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Aux-commodity input to storage
vStorageAOut(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vStorageAOut}_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Aux-commodity input from storage
vDummyImport(comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vDummyImport}_{c,r,y,l}\) Dummy import (for debugging)
vDummyExport(comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vDummyExport}_{c,r,y,l}\) Dummy export (for debugging)
vStorageInp(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vStorageInp}_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Storage input
vStorageOut(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vStorageOut}_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Storage output
vStorageStore(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vStorageStore}_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Storage level
vStorageInv(stg, region, year) \({\bf vStorageInv}_{s,r,y}\) Storage investments
vStorageEac(stg, region, year) \({\bf vStorageEac}_{s,r,y}\) Storage EAC investments
vStorageCap(stg, region, year) \({\bf vStorageCap}_{s,r,y}\) Storage capacity
vStorageNewCap(stg, region, year) \({\bf vStorageNewCap}_{s,r,y}\) Storage new capacity
vImport(comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vImport}_{c,r,y,l}\) Total regional import (Ir + ROW)
vExport(comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vExport}_{c,r,y,l}\) Total regional export (Ir + ROW)
vTradeIr(trade, comm, region, region, year, slice) \({\bf vTradeIr}_{d,c,r,r,y,l}\) Total physical trade flows between regions
vTradeIrAInp(trade, comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vTradeIrAInp}_{d,c,r,y,l}\) Trade auxilari input
vTradeIrAInpTot(comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vTradeIrAInpTot}_{c,r,y,l}\) Trade total auxilari input
vTradeIrAOut(trade, comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vTradeIrAOut}_{d,c,r,y,l}\) Trade auxilari output
vTradeIrAOutTot(comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vTradeIrAOutTot}_{c,r,y,l}\) Trade auxilari output total
vExportRowAccumulated(expp, comm) \({\bf vExportRowAccumulated}_{x,c}\) Accumulated export to ROW
vExportRow(expp, comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vExportRow}_{x,c,r,y,l}\) Export to ROW
vImportRowAccumulated(imp, comm) \({\bf vImportRowAccumulated}_{m,c}\) Accumulated import from ROW
vImportRow(imp, comm, region, year, slice) \({\bf vImportRow}_{m,c,r,y,l}\) Import from ROW
vTradeCap(trade, year) \({\bf vTradeCap}_{d,y}\) Trade capacity
vTradeInv(trade, region, year) \({\bf vTradeInv}_{d,r,y}\) Investment in trade capacity (overnight)
vTradeEac(trade, region, year) \({\bf vTradeEac}_{d,r,y}\) Investment in trade capacity (EAC)
vTradeNewCap(trade, year) \({\bf vTradeNewCap}_{d,y}\) New trade capacity
vTotalUserCosts(region, year) \({\bf vTotalUserCosts}_{r,y}\) Total additional costs (set by user)