Class demand

Class demand represents an exogenous level demand for a certain commodity must be delivered by the modeled system. A commodity, declared in the class is considered as a final demand commodity. Though it still can be consumed by processes or traded with other regions or the ROW. There can be several demands in one model for the same commodity or different commodities. Every class or object in the model should have different names.
Class Demand can be created with newDemand function. It has several slots:

DEMELC <- newDemand(name = "DEMELC", 
                    description = "Final electricity consumption (load)",
                    commodity = "ELC")
## [1] "name"        "description" "commodity"   "unit"        "dem"        
## [6] "region"      "misc"        ".S3Class"

Slot @commodity (character) stores the sort name of the demanded commodity which must be declared in the model as well (see above). Slot @region (optional) stores names of region(s) where the demand will be created. Regions can be also set in the slot @dem, a data.frame with the demand level data for every region, year, and slice.

## [1] region year   slice  dem   
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

The only required information in the @dem data.frame is column dem with demand values. Omitted information in other columns will be treated as for all values in the parameter sets.