
Table 1: The model sets
Name Alias Description
comm \(c,cp,ce,cn\) commodity
region \(r,rp,re,rn\) region
year \(y,yp,ye,yn\) year
slice \(l,lp,le,ln\) time slices
sup \(u,up,ue,un\) supply
dem \(d,dp,de,dn\) demand
tech \(h,hp,he,hn\) technology
stg \(s,sp,se,sn\) storage
trade \(d,dp,de,dn\) trade between regions
expp \(x,xp,xe,xn\) export to the rest of the world (ROW)
imp \(m,mp,me,mn\) import from the ROW
group \(g,gp,ge,gn\) group of input or output commodities in technology
weather \(w,wp,we,wn\) weather