
Table 2: The model parameters
Name Alias Description
pTechOlife(tech, region) \(pTechOlife_{h,r}\) Operational life of technologies
pTechCinp2ginp(tech, comm, region, year, slice) \(pTechCinp2ginp_{h,c,r,y,l}\) Commodity input to group input
pTechGinp2use(tech, group, region, year, slice) \(pTechGinp2use_{h,g,r,y,l}\) Group input into use
pTechCinp2use(tech, comm, region, year, slice) \(pTechCinp2use_{h,c,r,y,l}\) Commodity input to use
pTechUse2cact(tech, comm, region, year, slice) \(pTechUse2cact_{h,c,r,y,l}\) Use to commodity activity
pTechCact2cout(tech, comm, region, year, slice) \(pTechCact2cout_{h,c,r,y,l}\) Commodity activity to commodity output
pTechEmisComm(tech, comm) \(pTechEmisComm_{h,c}\) Combustion factor for input commodity (from 0 to 1)
pTechAct2AInp(tech, comm, region, year, slice) \(pTechAct2AInp_{h,c,r,y,l}\) Activity to aux-commodity input
pTechCap2AInp(tech, comm, region, year, slice) \(pTechCap2AInp_{h,c,r,y,l}\) Capacity to aux-commodity input
pTechNCap2AInp(tech, comm, region, year, slice) \(pTechNCap2AInp_{h,c,r,y,l}\) New capacity to aux-commodity input
pTechCinp2AInp(tech, comm, comm, region, year, slice) \(pTechCinp2AInp_{h,c,c,r,y,l}\) Commodity input to aux-commodity input
pTechCout2AInp(tech, comm, comm, region, year, slice) \(pTechCout2AInp_{h,c,c,r,y,l}\) Commodity output to aux-commodity input
pTechAct2AOut(tech, comm, region, year, slice) \(pTechAct2AOut_{h,c,r,y,l}\) Activity to aux-commodity output
pTechCap2AOut(tech, comm, region, year, slice) \(pTechCap2AOut_{h,c,r,y,l}\) Capacity to aux-commodity output
pTechNCap2AOut(tech, comm, region, year, slice) \(pTechNCap2AOut_{h,c,r,y,l}\) New capacity to aux-commodity output
pTechCinp2AOut(tech, comm, comm, region, year, slice) \(pTechCinp2AOut_{h,c,c,r,y,l}\) Commodity to aux-commodity output
pTechCout2AOut(tech, comm, comm, region, year, slice) \(pTechCout2AOut_{h,c,c,r,y,l}\) Commodity-output to aux-commodity input
pTechFixom(tech, region, year) \(pTechFixom_{h,r,y}\) Fixed Operating and maintenance (O 
pTechVarom(tech, region, year, slice) \(pTechVarom_{h,r,y,l}\) Variable O 
pTechInvcost(tech, region, year) \(pTechInvcost_{h,r,y}\) Investment costs (per unit of capacity)
pTechEac(tech, region, year) \(pTechEac_{h,r,y}\) Equivalent annual (investment) cost
pTechShareLo(tech, comm, region, year, slice) \(pTechShareLo_{h,c,r,y,l}\) Lower bound of the share of the commodity in total group input or output
pTechShareUp(tech, comm, region, year, slice) \(pTechShareUp_{h,c,r,y,l}\) Upper bound of the share of the commodity in total group input or output
pTechAfLo(tech, region, year, slice) \(pTechAfLo_{h,r,y,l}\) Lower bound on availability factor by slices
pTechAfUp(tech, region, year, slice) \(pTechAfUp_{h,r,y,l}\) Upper bound on availability factor by slices
pTechRampUp(tech, region, year, slice) \(pTechRampUp_{h,r,y,l}\) Ramp Up on availability factor
pTechRampDown(tech, region, year, slice) \(pTechRampDown_{h,r,y,l}\) Ramp Down on availability
pTechAfsLo(tech, region, year, slice) \(pTechAfsLo_{h,r,y,l}\) Lower bound on availability factor by groups of slices
pTechAfsUp(tech, region, year, slice) \(pTechAfsUp_{h,r,y,l}\) Upper bound on availability factor by groups of slices
pTechAfcLo(tech, comm, region, year, slice) \(pTechAfcLo_{h,c,r,y,l}\) Lower bound for commodity output
pTechAfcUp(tech, comm, region, year, slice) \(pTechAfcUp_{h,c,r,y,l}\) Upper bound for commodity output
pTechStock(tech, region, year) \(pTechStock_{h,r,y}\) Technology capacity stock
pTechCap2act(tech) \(pTechCap2act_{h}\) Technology capacity units to activity units conversion factor
pTechCvarom(tech, comm, region, year, slice) \(pTechCvarom_{h,c,r,y,l}\) Commodity-specific variable costs (per unit of commodity input or output)
pTechAvarom(tech, comm, region, year, slice) \(pTechAvarom_{h,c,r,y,l}\) Auxilary Commodity-specific variable costs (per unit of commodity input or output)
pDiscount(region, year) \(pDiscount_{r,y}\) Discount rate (can be region and year specific)
pDiscountFactor(region, year) \(pDiscountFactor_{r,y}\) Discount factor (cumulative)
pDiscountFactorMileStone(region, year) \(pDiscountFactorMileStone_{r,y}\) Discount factor (cumulative) sum for MileStone
pSupCost(sup, comm, region, year, slice) \(pSupCost_{u,c,r,y,l}\) Costs of supply (price per unit)
pSupAvaUp(sup, comm, region, year, slice) \(pSupAvaUp_{u,c,r,y,l}\) Upper bound for supply
pSupAvaLo(sup, comm, region, year, slice) \(pSupAvaLo_{u,c,r,y,l}\) Lower bound for supply
pSupReserveUp(sup, comm, region) \(pSupReserveUp_{u,c,r}\) Total supply reserve by region Up
pSupReserveLo(sup, comm, region) \(pSupReserveLo_{u,c,r}\) Total supply reserve by region Lo
pDemand(dem, comm, region, year, slice) \(pDemand_{d,c,r,y,l}\) Exogenous demand
pEmissionFactor(comm, comm) \(pEmissionFactor_{c,c}\) Emission factor
pDummyImportCost(comm, region, year, slice) \(pDummyImportCost_{c,r,y,l}\) Dummy costs parameters (for debugging)
pDummyExportCost(comm, region, year, slice) \(pDummyExportCost_{c,r,y,l}\) Dummy costs parameters (for debuging)
pTaxCostInp(comm, region, year, slice) \(pTaxCostInp_{c,r,y,l}\) Commodity taxes for input
pTaxCostOut(comm, region, year, slice) \(pTaxCostOut_{c,r,y,l}\) Commodity taxes for output
pTaxCostBal(comm, region, year, slice) \(pTaxCostBal_{c,r,y,l}\) Commodity taxes for balance
pSubCostInp(comm, region, year, slice) \(pSubCostInp_{c,r,y,l}\) Commodity subsidies for input
pSubCostOut(comm, region, year, slice) \(pSubCostOut_{c,r,y,l}\) Commodity subsidies for output
pSubCostBal(comm, region, year, slice) \(pSubCostBal_{c,r,y,l}\) Commodity subsidies for balance
pAggregateFactor(comm, comm) \(pAggregateFactor_{c,c}\) Aggregation factor of commodities
pPeriodLen(year) \(pPeriodLen_{y}\) Length of milestone-year-period
pSliceShare(slice) \(pSliceShare_{l}\) Share of slice
ordYear(year) \(ordYear_{y}\) ord year (used in GLPK-MathProg)
cardYear(year) \(cardYear_{y}\) card year (used in GLPK-MathProg)
pStorageInpEff(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \(pStorageInpEff_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Storage input efficiency
pStorageOutEff(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \(pStorageOutEff_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Storage output efficiency
pStorageStgEff(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \(pStorageStgEff_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Storage time-efficiency (annual)
pStorageStock(stg, region, year) \(pStorageStock_{s,r,y}\) Storage capacity stock
pStorageOlife(stg, region) \(pStorageOlife_{s,r}\) Storage operational life
pStorageCostStore(stg, region, year, slice) \(pStorageCostStore_{s,r,y,l}\) Storing costs per stored amount (annual)
pStorageCostInp(stg, region, year, slice) \(pStorageCostInp_{s,r,y,l}\) Storage input costs
pStorageCostOut(stg, region, year, slice) \(pStorageCostOut_{s,r,y,l}\) Storage output costs
pStorageFixom(stg, region, year) \(pStorageFixom_{s,r,y}\) Storage fixed O 
pStorageInvcost(stg, region, year) \(pStorageInvcost_{s,r,y}\) Storage investment costs
pStorageEac(stg, region, year) \(pStorageEac_{s,r,y}\) Storage equivalent annual costs
pStorageCap2stg(stg) \(pStorageCap2stg_{s}\) Storage capacity units to activity units conversion factor
pStorageAfLo(stg, region, year, slice) \(pStorageAfLo_{s,r,y,l}\) Storage availability factor lower bound (minimum charge level)
pStorageAfUp(stg, region, year, slice) \(pStorageAfUp_{s,r,y,l}\) Storage availability factor upper bound (maximum charge level)
pStorageCinpUp(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \(pStorageCinpUp_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Storage input upper bound
pStorageCinpLo(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \(pStorageCinpLo_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Storage input lower bound
pStorageCoutUp(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \(pStorageCoutUp_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Storage output upper bound
pStorageCoutLo(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \(pStorageCoutLo_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Storage output lower bound
pStorageNCap2Stg(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \(pStorageNCap2Stg_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Initial storage charge level for new investment
pStorageCharge(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \(pStorageCharge_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Initial storage charge level for stock
pStorageStg2AInp(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \(pStorageStg2AInp_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Storage accumulated volume to auxilary input
pStorageStg2AOut(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \(pStorageStg2AOut_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Storage accumulated volume output
pStorageCinp2AInp(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \(pStorageCinp2AInp_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Storage input to auxilary input
pStorageCinp2AOut(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \(pStorageCinp2AOut_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Storage input to auxilary output
pStorageCout2AInp(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \(pStorageCout2AInp_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Storage output to auxilary input
pStorageCout2AOut(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \(pStorageCout2AOut_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Storage output to auxilary output
pStorageCap2AInp(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \(pStorageCap2AInp_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Storage capacity to auxilary input
pStorageCap2AOut(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \(pStorageCap2AOut_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Storage capacity to auxilary output
pStorageNCap2AInp(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \(pStorageNCap2AInp_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Storage new capacity to auxilary input
pStorageNCap2AOut(stg, comm, region, year, slice) \(pStorageNCap2AOut_{s,c,r,y,l}\) Storage new capacity to auxilary output
pTradeIrEff(trade, region, region, year, slice) \(pTradeIrEff_{d,r,r,y,l}\) Inter-regional trade efficiency
pTradeIrUp(trade, region, region, year, slice) \(pTradeIrUp_{d,r,r,y,l}\) Upper bound on trade flow
pTradeIrLo(trade, region, region, year, slice) \(pTradeIrLo_{d,r,r,y,l}\) Lower bound on trade flow
pTradeIrCost(trade, region, region, year, slice) \(pTradeIrCost_{d,r,r,y,l}\) Costs of trade flow
pTradeIrMarkup(trade, region, region, year, slice) \(pTradeIrMarkup_{d,r,r,y,l}\) Markup of trade flow
pTradeIrCsrc2Ainp(trade, comm, region, region, year, slice) \(pTradeIrCsrc2Ainp_{d,c,r,r,y,l}\) Auxiliary input commodity in source region
pTradeIrCsrc2Aout(trade, comm, region, region, year, slice) \(pTradeIrCsrc2Aout_{d,c,r,r,y,l}\) Auxiliary output commodity in source region
pTradeIrCdst2Ainp(trade, comm, region, region, year, slice) \(pTradeIrCdst2Ainp_{d,c,r,r,y,l}\) Auxiliary input commodity in destination region
pTradeIrCdst2Aout(trade, comm, region, region, year, slice) \(pTradeIrCdst2Aout_{d,c,r,r,y,l}\) Auxiliary output commodity in destination region
pExportRowRes(expp) \(pExportRowRes_{x}\) Upper bound on accumulated export to ROW
pExportRowUp(expp, region, year, slice) \(pExportRowUp_{x,r,y,l}\) Upper bound on export to ROW
pExportRowLo(expp, region, year, slice) \(pExportRowLo_{x,r,y,l}\) Lower bound on export to ROW
pExportRowPrice(expp, region, year, slice) \(pExportRowPrice_{x,r,y,l}\) Export prices to ROW
pImportRowRes(imp) \(pImportRowRes_{m}\) Upper bound on accumulated import to ROW
pImportRowUp(imp, region, year, slice) \(pImportRowUp_{m,r,y,l}\) Upper bount on import from ROW
pImportRowLo(imp, region, year, slice) \(pImportRowLo_{m,r,y,l}\) Lower bound on import from ROW
pImportRowPrice(imp, region, year, slice) \(pImportRowPrice_{m,r,y,l}\) Import prices from ROW
pTradeStock(trade, year) \(pTradeStock_{d,y}\) Existing capacity
pTradeOlife(trade) \(pTradeOlife_{d}\) Operational life
pTradeInvcost(trade, region, year) \(pTradeInvcost_{d,r,y}\) Overnight investment costs
pTradeEac(trade, region, year) \(pTradeEac_{d,r,y}\) Equivalent annual costs
pTradeCap2Act(trade) \(pTradeCap2Act_{d}\) Capacity to activity factor
pWeather(weather, region, year, slice) \(pWeather_{w,r,y,l}\) weather factors
pSupWeatherUp(weather, sup) \(pSupWeatherUp_{w,u}\) weather factor for supply upper value (ava.up)
pSupWeatherLo(weather, sup) \(pSupWeatherLo_{w,u}\) weather factor for supply lower value (ava.lo)
pTechWeatherAfLo(weather, tech) \(pTechWeatherAfLo_{w,h}\) weather factor for technology availability lower value (af.lo)
pTechWeatherAfUp(weather, tech) \(pTechWeatherAfUp_{w,h}\) weather factor for technology availability upper value (af.up)
pTechWeatherAfsLo(weather, tech) \(pTechWeatherAfsLo_{w,h}\) weather factor for technology availability lower value (af.lo)
pTechWeatherAfsUp(weather, tech) \(pTechWeatherAfsUp_{w,h}\) weather factor for technology availability upper value (afs.lo)
pTechWeatherAfcLo(weather, tech, comm) \(pTechWeatherAfcLo_{w,h,c}\) weather factor for technology availability lower value (afs.lo)
pTechWeatherAfcUp(weather, tech, comm) \(pTechWeatherAfcUp_{w,h,c}\) weather factor for commodity availability upper value (afc.lo)
pStorageWeatherAfLo(weather, stg) \(pStorageWeatherAfLo_{w,s}\) weather factor for storage availability lower value (af.lo)
pStorageWeatherAfUp(weather, stg) \(pStorageWeatherAfUp_{w,s}\) weather factor for storage availability upper value (af.up)
pStorageWeatherCinpUp(weather, stg) \(pStorageWeatherCinpUp_{w,s}\) weather factor for storage commodity input upper value (cinp.up)
pStorageWeatherCinpLo(weather, stg) \(pStorageWeatherCinpLo_{w,s}\) weather factor for storage commodity input lower value (cinp.lo)
pStorageWeatherCoutUp(weather, stg) \(pStorageWeatherCoutUp_{w,s}\) weather factor for storage commodity output upper value (cout.up)
pStorageWeatherCoutLo(weather, stg) \(pStorageWeatherCoutLo_{w,s}\) weather factor for storage commodity output lower value (cout.lo)
pLECLoACT(region) \(pLECLoACT_{r}\) levelized costs interim parameter