Angle of Incidence (AOI)
array.type = "fh",
suffix = TRUE,
azimuth_Q = "azimuth_Q",
zenith = "zenith",
na.val = NA,
zenith.max = 90,
AOI.max = 90,
verbose = getOption("merra2.verbose"),
array.type = "fh",
suffix = TRUE,
azimuth_Q = "azimuth_Q",
zenith = "zenith",
na.val = NA,
zenith.max = 90,
AOI.max = 90,
verbose = getOption("merra2.verbose"),
the solar zenith angle, degrees
the solar azimuth angle, degrees
\[AOI = \arccos\big({\cos{(zenith)}\cos{(array.tilt)}+ \sin{(zenith)}\sin{(array.tilt)}\cos{(azimuth-array.azimuth)}\big)}\] Though the equation returns AOI values with any given set of zenith, azimuth, array.tilt, and array.azimuth, the AOI is meaningful only if \(0 \leq zenith \leq 90\), and \(0 \leq AOI \leq 90\). The former condition assures the sun is above the horizon and the latter condition assures the sunlight beam is able to hit the panel (Source: Stackhouse et al., 2018).
#> [1] NA